Have you struggled with turning intermittent fasting into a lifestyle?
Gin's new book should help with that.
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Gin's new book should help with that.
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Eat (Mostly) Clean, Live (Mainly) Clean,
and Unlock Your Body's Natural Ability to Self-Clean
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In Gin's New York Times bestseller Fast. Feast. Repeat., she taught you how to fast (completely) clean as part of an intermittent fasting lifestyle. Now, whether you’re an intermittent faster or not, Gin wants to show you how to become clean(ish) where it counts: you’ll learn how to eat (mostly) clean and live (mainly) clean as you unlock your body’s natural ability to self-clean.
Instead of aiming for perfection (which is impossible) or changing everything at once (which is hard, and never leads to lasting change), you’ll cut through the confusion, lose the fear, and embrace the freedom that comes from becoming clean(ish). As you learn how to lower your toxic load through small changes, smart swaps, and simple solutions, you’ll breathe a (clean) sigh of relief and embrace your own personal evolution toward becoming clean(ish).
Fast. Feast. Repeat.
is a New York Times Bestseller!
Order today through your favorite book retailer.
Get Gin's other books!
Delay, Don't Deny: Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle
Paperback, available on Amazon
Kindle, available on Amazon
Audiobook, available through Audible
Ebook available through all major ebook platforms.
Kindle, available on Amazon
Audiobook, available through Audible
Ebook available through all major ebook platforms.
Feast Without Fear: Food and the Delay, Don't Deny Lifestyle
Paperback, available on Amazon
Kindle, available on Amazon
Ebook available through all major ebook platforms.
Kindle, available on Amazon
Ebook available through all major ebook platforms.
Delay, Don't Deny: L*IF*E Journal
Delay, Don't Deny Digging Deeper:
Advancing your Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle
Paperback, available on Amazon
Kindle, available on Amazon
Ebook available through all major ebook platforms.
Kindle, available on Amazon
Ebook available through all major ebook platforms.